Banking Details

We appreciate all donations, no matter how small. These funds are not only used to grow and maintain the high sites you all know and love but are also vital to the ongoing oppertion of our network services.

You can donate to any of the following causes and your funds will only be used for the cause you nominate. Please just remember that donating to an Area or Unallocated would give the network greater flexibiliy as there might not be an upgrade planned for a particular HighSite for some time.

  • Projects
  • HighSites
  • Areas
  • Unallocated

When making a donation towards CTWUG the following procedure should be followed:

  1. Add your Nick, or otherwise your Full Name, as reference
  2. Send your proof of payment to the CTWUG Treasurer by email to
  3. Indicate to the Treasurer which Project, HighSite or Area should receive the donation, otherwise it will be spent as needed
Account Details
Bank First National Bank (FNB)
Branch Tygerberg
Branch Code 201410
Account Holder CTWUG
Account Number 62201248938
Account Type Cheque/Current